How To Clean White Shoelaces And Give Your Shoes A Facelift?

If you wear sneakers withwhite bootlaces then youwill need to clean them frequently because dirty laces convey a bad message. There are several different ways to wash the shoelaces and give them a fresh white look. You can do it manually or in the washing machine.

How to clean white shoelaces and recover their brightness and freshness?

Shoelaces are the muddiest part of your sneakers. The sneakers start looking dingy because of the dirty white shoelaces. The shoelaces drag on the ground and get soiled. Thus they get splattered with filth and germs. The filth and germs spread to your hand when the laces are tied. Besides, as you walk on the floor the germy laces drag and distribute germs on the carpet and in the house.

Fortunately, white laces can be cleaned and given a fresh and bright look again. Simply purchasing new laces rather than washing them is an easy way out. They are pretty cheap but can make you look lazy. If the laces are beyond repair then you can throw them away but if they got some life then wash them. So, the question arises, ‘How to clean white shoelaces?’

Cleaning shoelaces in a washing machine

Shoelaces are available in cotton and synthetic fibers like textured polyester spun polyester,  nylon and elastic no tie shoe laces. Fortunately, shoelaces from any kind of material are machine washable. Washing in a machine eliminates the extra work needed to scrub the laces clean. Just throw the laces with another wash load and make it look like a regular laundry routine.

Things you will need

  • Mesh bag
  • Soft brush
  • Laundry detergent
  • Stain removal
  • Drying rack
  • Bleach [if necessary]

How to clean?

  • Remove the shoelaces from the sneakers.
  • Dip them in cold water or hold the laces under cool water and brush the dirt patches to remove the muddy stains.
  • Check the lace surface and if you see stains treat it with stain remover and let it sit for half an hour.
  • Insert the laces in a mesh laundry bag, close the zip and toss it in the washer loaded with laundry detergent. Set the ‘wash on cold’. If you are washing only white items then add some bleach to the washer. It will help to brighten white lace fabric even more.
  • After the washing cycle is completed remove the shoelaces and air dry them on the drying rack. Never put them for drying in the dryer.

Cleaning shoelaces manually

You can even wash the shoelaces manually. The cleaning process is a little labor intensive but a great way too to regain the shoelace whiteness. Brown man suede boots with brush. Macro. Clean shoes.

Things you will require

  • Bowl
  • Soft toothbrush
  • Warm water Hand gloves
  • Stain cleaner
  • Liquid washing solution
  • Drying rack or something to hang the laces

How to clean by hand?

  • Remove the laces from the shoes and hold them under running cold water.
  • Use the toothbrush to remove the obvious mud.
  • Spray the stained spots with strain cleaner
  • Fill a bowl with detergent and mild hot water. (Use gloves for hand safety)
  • Stir the solution and dip the laces inside the water properly. Let them soak for ½ an hour.
  • Now with the toothbrush gently scrub the stains.
  • Rinse the laces thoroughly under clean running water and hang them on the drying rack to dry.

Cleaning shoelaces with bleach manually or in the washer

If the laces are stained yellow or extremely dirty then a laundry detergent may not be sufficient to regain the white look. You will need strong bleach, so ensure to buy a safe but strong bleach solution.

Things you will need

  • Strong yet safe bleach solution
  • Mesh bag [If you want to wash in the washer]
  • Sink
  • Toothbrush
  • Small plate
  • Rubber gloves

How to clean with bleach?

  • Remove the shoelaces from the sneakers.
  • Dip them in cold water or hold the laces under cool water to eliminate as much dirt as you can. Use the brush and rub the dirt patches to remove the muddy stains.
  • Fill the sink with some warm water and pour 3 tablespoons of bleach solution.
  • Make sure to wear rubber gloves in this bleach cleaning method.
  • Insert the laces in a mesh bag, close the zip and dip it in the bleach water. To keep the mesh bag submerged place a plate on top.
  • Let the laces soak in this bleach + water solution for 5 minutes. Even if the stain is extreme never keep them inside for long because the fibers can get vulnerable due to bleach.
  • Remove the mesh bag and toss them in the washer or remove the laces and wash them manually.
  • If the shoelaces still look stained add some bleach to the washer. It will help to brighten white lace fabric even more.
  • Dry the shoelaces in the air.

 Cleaning shoelace without bleach

If you don’t desire to use bleach then there are some easy methods to make shoe laces white.

  • White vinegar – Combine one part vinegar and one part water to make a solution. Remove shoelaces and with a toothbrush gently remove dried dirt from the laces. Take a microfiber cloth and wet it with the solution and dab it on the shoelaces and even scrub the plastic tips of laces gently. Air-dry the shoe laces to eliminate the remaining moisture. White vinegar will never impact the white color and will not damage the lace material.
  • Baking soda – Make paste mixing 4 oz. water with 4 tablespoons of soda. Remove shoelaces and with a toothbrush gently remove dried dirt from the laces. Rub the paste and allow it to sit for 15 minutes in a tiny bowl. Rinse them properly and dry them in direct sunlight.
  • Peroxide – Remove shoe laces and with a toothbrush gently remove dried dirt from the laces. Mix 8 oz. peroxide with 32 oz. water and soak the shoelaces for one hour. After soaking, thoroughly rinse them and let them dry in the air.

Cleaning shoelaces with household kitchen ingredients is the best way for many people. They are safe and less corrosive to perform the washing with bare hands.

Clean white laces give the right message, so a little effort in cleaning them is worth it!

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